Working effectively with Ruby on Rails requires a firm understanding of the Ruby language and the full web of associated technologies. I finished my M.Sc. in Computer Science at Aarhus University in 2004, and my knowledge of both the tools and platform allow me to create simple and efficient Rails solutions.
Diverse Ruby experience
My first use of Ruby was for an evolutionary algorithm project in ‘06, simply beacuse the language was easy to use and beautiful. I have since then created many commercial solutions in plain Ruby, including such diverse things as:
- Generate intuitive graphs of threads and locks from Java crash-dumps for quick root-cause analysis.
- A tool for verifying of the different paths a request can take through a three-tier web-architecture.
- Distributed analysis of configuration files from hundreds of servers and creating the big overview of versions and applications.
Considering Ruby on Rails?
If you consider using Ruby on Rails for your next web application, let me help you get an overview of the possibilities, and let us build an awesome solution together.
Do you have a technical challenge you need me to solve? Contact me and we’ll talk through the options together.
Company details
Ørvadsvej 56
DK-8220 Århus C
VAT no.: DK-25331257
Contact details
+45 2588 4665
Detailed CV
Public key

Hi, I'm Laust Rud Jacobsen, an experienced webapp developer specializing in Elixir, Ruby and PostgreSQL-based solutions. You can hire me to build awesome stuff for you. If you have any questions or comments, reach out at @laustrud or privately at work@valuestream.io.